Decision-making in times of crisis and rapidly changing external and internal factors is very risky. It is obviously connected with lack of information and resources, new circumstances and lack of experience. All these are good reasons to confront your opinions without risking the consequences of your decisions in conditions of psychological safety. In the field of HR Mentoring, we draw on our own experience and offer the following services:
We will accompany talents with growth potential on their career paths, accelerating their adaptation to new roles and performance.
For senior leaders, we will provide a second opinion on key strategic decisions that affect the way the business operates.
For an IT start-up, we addressed the challenges associated with rapid organisational growth, which required the implementation of standardised HR processes and their management by a senior professional. However, this task had been assigned to a junior recruiter in the company who had good growth potential but lacked more experience.
We proposed to resolve the situation through Mentoring, both face-to-face and online. This approach gave the recruiter the opportunity to broaden her focus from recruiting the right candidates for the company's future growth to the wider HR agenda and key HR processes. She began to spend more time communicating with employees who worked mostly from home, as well as implementing the Comp&Ben strategy and performance reviews.
As a result of this approach, after 6 months the atmosphere in the company had calmed down, growth was under control, key HR processes were implemented and the recruiter was promoted to the role of HR Manager, which did not need to be filled by an external candidate.